Wniosek o nowe konto
Zanim przejdziesz dalej, wyjaśnimy w jaki sposób tworzone są nowe konta
If you wish to join an existing project.
Please contact your projects Principal Investigator first, as they could provide you with an invitation. This will significantly speed up the process. Invitations are not needed if you are a member of faculty or a student at the University of Warsaw and have a CAS/USOS account.
If you wish to start a new project
You will need to provide contact details for your workplace. If you work at the University of Warsaw, you can use your CAS/USOS account instead. Additionally, we usually only grant Principal Investigator rights to those who:- work at a Polish scientific institution
- have a PhD
Only Principal Investigators are allowed to apply for resources.
If you have questions, please refer to the User Manual. You can also contact us.